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Welcome  to the Place of Deliverance Website.
Thank you for taking time out to check us out. Here at the Place of Deliverance God is moving mightily by His Power. Healing the sick and delivering his people from various demonic spirits. The oppressed, the possessed, and the broken hearted are being set free.The Ministry provides a cleansing process for the body of Christ. Revealing areas of our lives that need to be addressed, changed, and purified. Teaching us how to use your Spiritual Weapons to equip the Body of Christ to war against the enemy and be overcomer’s. So come out and join us in a life changing experience and outpouring of God's Anointing, in a powerful service. Oh my God,  what an experience! If you are ever in the City of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale stop by the City of Pompano Beach just about 7 miles north of Ft. Lauderdale and visit our house where the Anointing is moving by God's Power! We look forward to seeing your beautiful presence there. Look  for the wall with sign of a "LIGHT HOUSE  with PLACE OF DELIVERANCE"in bold red lettering.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Isaiah 10:27
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