Apostle John Edwards-
Welcome and thank you for taking time to read
just a portion of my testimony. Greetings my
name is Apostle John Edwards, the Founder and
Overseer of the Place of Deliverance Pentecostal
Church Inc.The ministry originated from a
prayer band that led to street and house to house
prayer meetings, where the Spirit of the Lord
was moving by its power to heal the sick, bind
up the broken-hearted, and set the captives free.
Through the awesome deliverances, and
miracles that God was performing through me,
God called me into the Pastoral Ministry and
confirmed the name Place of Deliverance for the
church. God Anointed me to lay hands on people
and they were healed, cancer gone, and people
getting out of wheelchairs and walking. The
paralyzed healed, recovered sight of the blind ,
the deaf hearing, casting out of demons, just
numerous powerful signs, wonders, and miracles.
All of these things when they are seen with your
own eyes you will just have to tell somebody the news and the good news then will spread all over town.God has truly anointed me in the Healing and Deliverance Ministry and I have a devine assignment to take this powerful Anointing nationwide and worldwide because I have a true and genuine compassion for lost and saved souls. My desire is for God's people to be set Free from captivity and bondage to provide spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical healings to the body of Christ. Isa. 10:27 “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be DESTROYED because of the ANOINTING.” I hope you enjoyed reading a small portion of my testimony and I pray that God bless you  and keep you is my prayer.