Pastor Marilyn Edwards-

Hello Website readers, I would like to testify of  what's
happening in Our Ministry. I have such a heartfelt
gratitude to God for what he's doing in the Place of
Deliverance. I am also thankful that you took time out to
read about the move of God that's being poured out in the
P.O.D. Ministry. From the time P.O.D. was  founded
in 1990 until this present time, P.O.D. has really stood up
to it's God confirmed name," A Place where Deliverance
is Taking Place." I have witnessed Healing after Healing,
Deliverance after Deliverance, and Miracles after
Miracles. I have seen demons literally cast out "talking
back, crawling like snakes, spitting up fowl smelling stuff,
even little objects" I have seen tumors shrink, sores
disappear, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer
destroyed. The Lord has brought families back together,
saved and delivered children, even brought the lost ones
back home. Here at P.O.D. we believe everybody is
somebody. We are a Ministry called to Love, Nurture, Support, and encourage the body of Christ to move beyond their Hurts, their Disappointments, and their Bad Situations and be set free from Bondage and Delivered from Strong Holds. Our primary purpose is to Empower and uplift the Body of Christ to walk in the Full Divine purpose that God has for our lives. It is so evident that God's Anointing continues to provide healing "Physically,  Emotionally, Financially, and Deliverance "spiritually and mentally in OUR HOUSE here at P.O.D and TRUST me, It is for REAL The Anointing is Destroying Yokes and thats no Joke.